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Anthony Mendoza World Geography 4A

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Drugs and Crime

     Jamaica may be a small nation, but it is filled with crime. Jamaica, in fact, has one of the highest murder rates in the world. Kingston, the country's capital, experiences the most of the crime. Most crimes are violent, and this might explain the high murder rates. These violent crimes generally are aimed towards homosexual people. Some people refer to Jamaica as homophobic because of this. Not only is there a lot of crime, but also a lot of drugs. Marijuana is illegal there, but it does not stop people from growing and smoking it. Many people grow it up in the Blue Mountains. Separated from the city, it is an easy place to grow marijuana and kill those who trespass. Crack cocaine is also a growing problem. Drug trafficking has increased, and this has lead more and more people to become addicted. Drugs and violence may be prominent there, but Jamaica is still a wonderful place nonetheless.

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